
Attorney Billing Forms

In counties with a population less than 100,000, the Department or its designee reviews requests for attorneys fees and requests for expert or investigator funds.  Please refer to the specific county plan for the provision of indigent defense services for proper billing instructions.

In cases where the Department is reviewing attorney billing requests, please submit the Request for Attorney's Fees to for processing.  If the billing is a final bill, please close the case using LegalServer.  

Each county's plan sets forth limits for expert/investigator fees where a pre-authorization is not required.  Please refer to each specific plan for these limits.  All case-related expenses, whether or not they are subject to pre-authorization, are subject to the Department's review for reasonableness.

Post Conviction Billing Instructions

The Department of Indigent Defense Services processes payments for Post-Conviction Claims pursuant to NRS 7.155.  For payment, claims may be submitted via Email: OR Mail: Department of Indigent Defense Services, 896 W. Nye Lane, Suite 202, Carson City, NV 89703. 

Submission via email is preferred and allows faster processing.

In your submission, please include the authorization to pay and the appropriate billing. All payees must be a registered vendor with the State of Nevada Controller's Office. To register as a vendor, please follow this link:  Failure to register as a vendor will cause a delay in processing. 

If more information is needed, please email your questions to

Attorney Reporting Forms

The Regulations of the Board on Indigent Defense Services requires attorneys to report certain information to the Department.  The form below is to assist with the reporting of private attorney hour workload, investigative and expert hours.

County Fiscal Status Report

The Board of Commissioners of each county with a public defender or which contracts for indigent defense services provides an annual report to the Department of Indigent Defense Services on or before May 31 of each year.

The Annual Report includes the plan for the provision of indigent defense services for the county for the next fiscal year. Please fill out the Annual Financial Status Report and submit before May 31. 

A county seeking reimbursement pursuant to the Maximum Contribution Formula must submit a financial status report certified by the board of county commissioners or its designee no later than 15 days after the end of each quarter.

  • Quarter 1: July 1 - September 30
  • Quarter 2: October 1 - December 31
  • Quarter 3: January 1 - March 31
  • Quarter 4: April 1 - June 30

Notice of Transfer of Services to State Public Defender

Counties may transfer responsibility to the State Public Defender's Office by giving notice on or before November 1st of even-numbered years (e.g., 2022, 2024, etc.). A County may opt to receive any of the following services, individually or in combination:

Costs paid in full by County, up to the Maximum Contribution:

All Indigent Defense Services  (NRS 180.450(6))

Conflict Indigent Defense Services  (NRS 180.060(5); 260.065)

25% of Costs paid by County, up to the Maximum Contribution:

Indigent Death Penalty (SCR 250) Defense Services  (NRS 180.060(5); 260.065)

Costs fully covered by the State:

Indigent Appellate Services  (NRS 180.060(4))

Parole Violations Hearings in Carson City  (NRS 180.060(5); 260.065)

Parole Board Hearings in Carson City  (NRS 180.060(5); 260.065)

Pardons Board Hearings in Carson City  (NRS 180.060(5); 260.065)

To transfer responsibility, an authorized person must complete and send the following form to DIDS and the NSPD by email to and