Contact Us

Location & Hours of Operation

896 W. Nye Lane, Suite 202
Carson City, NV 89703

Our hours of operation are:
Monday-Friday: 8 am - 5 pm
We are closed for lunch from
12-1 pm

Contact E-mail:

Staff Members

Peter Handy

Executive Director 


Deputy Director

Brenda Roberts

Deputy Director 

Cindy Atanazio

Executive Assistant

Ashley Torres

Administrative Assistant

Kellie Justice

Administrative Assistant

Stanley Morrice

Management Analyst

Jaime Hamtak

Management Analyst

Bet Torres 

Management Analyst 

Department of Indigent Defense Services Listserv

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Public Record Requests

Please submit the request in writing using the Public Records Request Form to:

Via Mail:
Department of Indigent Defense Services
Attn: Public Records Coordinator
896 W. Nye Lane, Suite 202
Carson City, NV 89703
Or via email:

Please note:

  • Requests should be as specific as possible and include the requester’s contact information
  • The Department will respond to the request within five business days
  • If the request cannot be fulfilled within five business days, the Department will provide written notice of that fact, let the requester know the earliest date and time it reasonably believes the record will be available, and may work with the requester to focus the request so the Department can respond as expeditiously as possible
  • At this time, DIDS does not charge fees for copies of public records

Oversight/Outreach Attorneys

John Kadlic

David Schieck

Derrick M. Lopez

Language Access

If you would like to request assistance in your preferred language please submit a request using this form:


In the short term, we recommend using the Google Translate function at the bottom of the page.


The Department's Language Access Plan is available here.